Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mini Halloween: Fawn

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for so long. I will try to post 3 or 4 Halloween looks this week !

Fawn Halloween Look

1. Contour your face heavily, don't worry about blending this out. 
2. Take a brown eyeliner and outline your nose and eyebrows keeping them connected.
3. Take a white eyeliner and color in the center of your nose and fade it into your forehead. 
4. Set your eyeliner with matching shadows. 
5. Take a white eyeliner and apply it under you eye to make it look larger. 

6. Take a white liner and line you water line. Then with a light brown shadow,create a new lash line under the white liner by dragging it underneath. 
7. Add white spots with an eyeliner and add antlers! 

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